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Birth Control Detox Program: Seed Cycling Ebook

Birth Control Detox Program: Seed Cycling Ebook


Each phase of your monthly cycle brings different physical and emotional feelings. There is a reason that nature has seasons of cold and quiet and seasons of growth and plenty of light.


Our bodies are similar to the natural environment around us, and we should honor our cyclical nature. Understanding how your hormones work in each phase of your cycle is the key to maximizing your potential in your personal and professional life!



What should my cycle look like?

An ideal cycle should be anywhere from 25 to 35 days. If your cycle is 24 days or less, then you might have a condition called Luteal Phase Defect, which means that your luteal phase or the second half of your cycle after ovulation is too short to either get pregnant or stay pregnant. The luteal phase, which is the second half of your cycle, should be 12-16 days long but closer to 14 days is best. If it is less than ten days long, then you might have LPD. If it's more than 14 days long, then there is probably another issue, possibly PCOS or something else causing long cycles, perhaps excess estrogen or maybe perimenopause.


This e book is designed to help you nagivage how to track your cycle and incorporate seeding into your diet to help regulate your natural cycle and balance hormones for more optimal health.

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