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Welcome Beautiful! 
I see you.  You're a strong woman wearing many, many hats.  Maybe it's wife, mother, caregiver, corporate leader, entrepreneur or it might just be easier to sum it up as Super Woman.  
However, you're finding yourself being pulled in 10 different directions and you're just trying to keep your head above water.  You are feeling stressed out and not able to unwind and relax like you used to when you needed to recharge.  You know deep down  that "there has to be more to life than this."
Do you find your are telling yourself that "I'll get to it later," or "I'll have time to focus on that when ( x happens )? 

Or my favorite.... you might even have the mindset that you have a little dream in your heart, or goal you'd love to accomplish but then the negative sets in- I'm not smart enough, I'm not pretty enough, I'm not good enough.....
Simon Sinek shared, "Working hard for something you don't care about is called stress.  Working hard for something you love is passion."
Oftentimes what happens, and if you're anything like I was, when we find ourselves frustrated, stressed out and feeling defeated and hopeless it's when we have lost sight of our passions.  We have lost sight of our dreams.  We have been pulled so tightly in so many other directions that we are now living out of alignment of what our true purpose and calling is meant to be.  We only have one purpose; to live authentically.
Are you living it?  No?  That's ok- and absolutely why I created Dream it, Girl.
We have to know where we want to go before we hop in the car- otherwise we are wasting our efforts driving around aimlessly.  That's when we become tired, stressed and unfulfilled.  You know that if you don't change something, this draining cycle is going to be stuck on repeat.  
I let myself sit and repeated that cycle for far too long.  Now, I know I am not the only woman who can benefit from resetting intentions and refocusing.  I've helped hundreds of women realign and rediscover their passion and get that pep back in their step. 
In this coaching series, I dive into showing you how to create intention, we establish the building blocks of success and strengthen a foundation that is rock solid in order to allow you to move forward in pursuit of your dreams. 
Together we assess where your life currently is.  Where are you spending the majority of your time? When did you get out of alignment?

Then we discover your dream!  Do this for me real quick, ask yourself - where is your dream living right now??  Did you frame it and put it high up on a shelf to protect it and keep it safe for when the time is right?  STOP!  It's time to take it down.  Your dream should never be protected and a "I'll get to it when x, y, z happens."  It needs to be found implemented in your daily life.  But how?  Together we take the first step in cultivating your dreams into your every day life, starting with today.
It's not only time, but you deserve to wake up feeling energized and motivated each day!  No longer dreading when that alarm goes off.  Let's start living the life of your dreams and one that is true to your purpose!   Are you ready!?

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"I'm excited to see the next chapter. Dream it girl, the intentional thoughts...have helped me just "start"....meaning if its get up and get laundry done, focus on my weekly goals. I used to struggle with making lists and then not even starting them. Re-learning how to make obtainable goals has helped me be intentional. Busy momma of 4 here! Thank you!"

Enroll Now
  • Custom Design to Identify YOUR Dreams and Areas of Emphasis

  • Complete Assessment- Cirlce of Life

  • Daily Emails for 4 Weeks with Step by Step Action Guide for Your Transformation

  • Unlimited Email Support

  • SMART Goal System

All Included for $49

Enroll Now

What We Do

Dream it, girl










“Sometimes as a mom being intentional in my daily life is hard. I’m being pulled in several directions with my to-do list daily! Honestly, it took me three times and about 6 hours to finish writing this because of just that. But its done! Being intentional in my daily work now means things gets things done! Dinner gets made, the house gets clean and I get work done for my businesses! But my family also gets their mom and wife back because when I’m intentional I get back time with them! "

"Being intentional is something I didn't know I was missing in my life. I had the list of things to do, I had the time to do it, but somehow was never feeling like I was accomplishing anything. Dream It Girl has helped me take action and check things off my list!- More Exercise - CHECK - House Projects - CHECK - Financial Goals - CHECK."

What You'll Get

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